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The CYC clubhouse occupies a prominent area in Moncks Bay on the road to Sumner. The upstairs clubroom is capable of holding ~60 people, with a fully equipped kitchen, and toilets. There is also a flatscreen TV and PA system

The clubrooms are available for hire for meetings and small gatherings, subject to approval by the committee. Generally; parties are not allowed.

Sailing Facilities

There are well equipped, secure changing rooms in the club, with hot showers for after sailing; toilets are also provided in the changing rooms downstairs.

We are capable of storing a small number of members boats overnight in the boat sheds, check with a committee member for availability. Outdoor storage is available on our fenced deck - boats are stored at the owners risk. Check with a committee member for availability

There are a range of launching options for your boat, including the Moncks Bay public ramp and beach, and three club slipways. A large rigging area in front of the club, and the option to rig in the carpark ensures enough room for a quick set up of your boat.


There are a number of moorings located in Moncks Bay, the Club owns two, and we have contacts with several more mooring owners. The Club owns a large floating pontoon, with ~3m of water at low tide. Electricity and water is available on the pontoon, by arrangement. Overnighting alongside is generally not allowed.

The Club has a Patent Slipway that is available for use by vessels undergoing maintenance. Pricing, restrictions and availability can be provided on request. There is a basic workshop in the club for small jobs as well.

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